BoHammer Website
My client, BoHammer Custom Wraps, needed a website to highlight its vinyl wrap services and connect with people in the Portland Metro area. So, I sat down with BoHammer's owner, Mike Goldhammer, and mapped out a plan.
Before addressing any visual assets like illustrations and photography, we dove deep into the messaging that we envisioned for the site. To deliver an effective message, we realized that we needed to develop a compelling story and branch out from there.
By the end of the project, BoHammer was equipped with:
A richly detailed brand story...
Engaging copy to move visitors through its sales funnel...
Custom, wrap-themed illustrations...
Beautiful process photography...
And a fully responsive website.
Brand Story
I wrote an in-depth article for the Toptal Design Blog explaining my approach to brand story development, and I used the work I did with BoHammer as a case study.
Toptal Design Blog: Don't Underestimate the Power of Your Brand Story
Custom Illustrations
As Mike and I discussed the look and feel for the BoHammer illustrations, we made a choice to steer away from the wrap industry trends of skulls, flames, crazy fonts, and tribal patterns. Instead, we sought to communicate approachability and a sense of clean, classic design tastes.
BoHammer Website
After finalizing the brand story and illustrations, I began the process of writing web copy with the goal of informing visitors about the advantages of vehicle wraps and positioning BoHammer as a local expert. The quality of the site also benefitted greatly from the work of Portland photographer, Tommy Spencer.